This is the home of BeastMode RC Kits by
This is the one and only BeastModeFXX v4 FH Spec edition.
An absolute state of the art high performance competition grade drift conversion kit for MST FX Series.
This new conversion kit will allow the FXX, FXX2, FMX, FMX2 (Rear Mounted Motor Position) chassis to become a Weight Shift Meister Beast.
Equipped with:
Aluminum Motor Mount (Rear High, Front High positions)
AlumCarbon Upper Connectors, with
Many servo positions,
Low & high battery position,
Flex Control CF lower plate,
CF Rear ESC holder,
CF Front & Rear Suspension Towers and
CF Team Jordan signature front motor cover.
Stock Motor Positions are also available for usage on this kit
Kit will not come with Carbon Spur Gear Holder. And can use the below optional Spur Holders:
MST FSX Spur Gear Holder Part number 21048. OR
MXS-210230 Spur Gear Holder
Or YD2 spur gear holder with Pin
Note: Spur gear, not included in kit
Rear Motor Position will require the use of MST FMX short drive shaft
FXX-D users can enjoy no limit tooth count for spur gear.
FXX2.0 owners can enjoy no limit tooth count for spur gear with stock steering set. If you have the FXX2.0 Carbon steering, you may use up to 78T Spur Gear
RC Drift Team Jordan / BeastMode
This is the Home of #rcdriftteamjordan Drift Racing Team. We love what we do, we always meet the expectations and we are the #Alpha ‘s 🐺